We are Jody and Linnea and we are here to help!

I’m Jody - Wife, mom of 4, student of minimalism for over a decade. When my kids were young I found minimalism and it was life changing for me. No longer did I feel the need to keep everything that crossed my path. I discovered that minimalism transformed not just our physical spaces, but also our mindset and overall well-being. It has allowed me to create a sanctuary of simplicity, where we could focus on what truly matters. I learned to let go of excess, prioritize the essentials, and find contentment in the present moment. I wanted to find other like minded moms so on a whim I started a Facebook group called Minimalist Mom in 2017.

I’m Linnea - Wife, mom of 4, full-time RV living. I had a desire to be a minimalist for many years, but it wasn’t until 2021 that I jumped in with both feet. My family and I sold our house and quite suddenly jumped into minimalism feet first when we decided to trade our 1,500 square foot walkout rambler for a 250 square foot travel trailer.

We have been friends since 2001!

Our Mission -  to equip mom’s in their journey toward minimalism through coaching, tools, a supportive community and private challenges

Do we have all the answers concerning simplification? The simple answer is yes!

With our combined education and experience, coupled with the compiled wisdom of our community of more than 270,000 members, we believe we have what we need to help each other take that next step in the journey. It’s our mission to provide our friends and members with the access to the encouragement, the coaching tools and resources, the practical tips and tricks, the exclusive simplicity-focused challenges and the confidence-boosting community connections they need to become a minimalist mom.